Level Application Questionnaire

    Personal Details

    1. Inches



    2. Does the Liquid Coat?

    3. Does the Liquid Outgas or has Vapor?

    4. Is Foam present on top of the Liquid?

    5. Does the Liquid contain Particulate?

    6. Will Particulate create a Sludge?

    7. Is the Liquid Agitated with a Mixer?

    8. Do you require a Continous Level Measurement?
      Ex. Volume of Liquid- Gallons

    9. Ex. Volume of Liquid- Gallons

    10. Do you require Point Level Measurement?
      Ex. Volume of Liquid- Gallons

    11. Do you require continuous Level + Point Level Measurement?

    12. Do you require a Local Display?

    13. Do you require a Point
      Level Alarm Notification ?

      Ex. High or Low Level

    14. ProAlert Series Audible| Visual Alarml

      Remote Level Monitoring - Cloud Based

    15. Do you require Remote
      Tank Monitoring?

    16. Do you require a local display?
      Ex. Display will show Gallons or Inches

    17. Do you require Point
      Level - High/Low relay output?

    18. Leak Detection

    19. Do you require
      Leak Detection?

    20. Do you require Continuous
      Level + Leak Detection?