How To Install A Chemical Level Switch

A chemical level switch is installed in a chemical tank to monitor the level of liquid media in the tank. The installation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Selecting the appropriate type of chemical level switch based on the chemical properties of the liquid media and the specific requirements of the application. For example, submersible chemical level sensors are a good choice for bulk chemicals as they can be submerged in the liquid media and provide accurate level measurements.
  2. Installing the chemical level switch in the tank by attaching it to the side of the tank or by suspending it from a bracket. The chemical level sensor should be positioned at the desired level in the tank.
  3. Connecting the output signal of the chemical level switch to a local or remote controller. This can be done using wires or a wireless signal. The controller can then use the signal to control relays and other devices to regulate the level of the liquid media in the tank.
  4. Setting up high and low chemical level switches. These are used to monitor the level of the liquid media in the tank and trigger an alarm or shut off the supply of liquid media if the level becomes too high or too low.

It is important to ensure that the liquid media is clean and free of debris before installing the chemical level switch. This is because debris or impurities can cause the floats or other components of the level switch to stick, resulting in inaccurate readings.

Additionally it is important to have the right type of level switch to match the chemical properties of the liquid media, like chemical compatibility, temperature, pressure and overall environmental condition.

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